Seamless Art Competition Hosting

Create - Judge - Award - Share

Let us handle the logistics of hosting art competitons

Completely free to start, no credit card required

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Everything An Organiser Needs

Effortless Competition Management

Efficiently create, manage, and scale art competitions. Facilitate submissions, scoring, and judge feedback with our user-friendly platform, tailored for artists and organizers alike.

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Streamlined Secure Payments

Enhance your art competition by simplifying entry payments. Our secure, Stripe-powered system ensures a seamless transaction process, encouraging greater participation.

Simple Entry Submission

Boost artist engagement through an easy submission portal. Our platform allows entrants to submit their artwork effortlessly and access vital competition details, enhancing their experience and participation.

Winners Gallery Showcase

Celebrate artistic talent by showcasing competition entries in a stunning virtual gallery. Share and promote the rich array of artworks to a broader audience, increasing visibility for each participant.

Simple Interface for All Users

All-in-One Dashboard

Streamline your event management with our comprehensive dashboard. Tailored for organisers, this hub lets you configure organisational settings, oversee ongoing competitions, and manage financial operations efficiently.

Experience Support That’s Friendly, Fast, and Helpful

Got questions? Reach out to Pixel Pit support at any time.

[email protected]

Explore Pixel Pit with a free demo.
See how easy it is to run art competitions online!